How To Help Elderly Parents: Useful Advice For Children

elderly parents

Preserve the relationship with elderly parents One of the pillars of the relationship between parents and children is mutual help and protection. There comes a time in life when the child has to take care of the needs of mom or dad. In addition to practical difficulties, this condition often collides with emotional barriers. Many …

How To Care For Someone Dementia Disease

Stroke Survivors In Columbia, MD

What Is Dementia disease? Dementia disease affects the brain. It characterized by progressive memory loss. Orientation, recognition, language, learning, and planning skills are commonly impaired later on. However, social and emotional abilities are deteriorating.  Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia, accounting for around 60% of cases, followed by vascular (“vascular”) dementias, which …

A Major Cerebral Stroke – Possibility, Effects, Symptoms, And Diagnosis

After coronary heart disease, stroke is the second leading cause of death from illness. Every year, 12 million people die from strokes and heart attacks, according to the World Health Organization. There are people of different ages, backgrounds, and identity markers within them. When blood flow to the brain is disrupted, a stroke occurs. Acute …

Alzheimer’s Disease: Do You Choose To Be Cared For At Home

Dementia is a form of the disease that includes Alzheimer’s disease. It is a central nervous system neurodegenerative disease that progresses. It disrupts cognitive functions and renders an individual unable to function independently as a result. Alzheimer’s Disease Is Caused By A Variety Of Factors It is most common in the elderly, particularly those between …